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Latest Obsessions

✖vanilla snow boba
✖him ♥♥♥
✖me and carolyn's lovely notebook


First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.
-George Bernard Shaw

To do a great right do a little wrong.
-William Shakespeare
●▬▬๑۩chapter 1۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:56 PM
「still a work in progress 」

The sky radiated light, and the atmosphere appeared calm. I could hear the birds singing right outside my window. “Today is going to be a great day!” After a couple yawns and a stretch I took a look at my new uniform, it was perfect. There were no wrinkles, it was crisp and clean. Then I realized I forgot something very important…it was Monday. I snapped my head to the clock. "WHAT?!?! It's already that late??" Frantically, I tried to get out the door in time for school. I stuffed my books into my book bag, chugged a glass of juice, and ran for it. “Perfect! It’s my first day of high school and I’m late,” I thought as I was racing to the school.RING RING! I could hear the school bells right over the hill. "Ugh everyone in the class is going to stare at me when I walk in the classroom late." I complained as I continued to run. And I was correct, when I walked inside every head snapped toward me. On top of that, the teacher decided that was an appropriate time to introduce myself to the class. I heard giggles and quiet gossip. "Today is going to be a horrible day," I thought to myself. Later that day I had to clean the cafeteria because someone at lunch started a food fight and blamed it on me, even though I was at the library reading when it started. So the principal gave me a stern talking to, and sent me off to clean it. If that wasn't bad enough, I got food stains all over my uniform. I guess it's not so perfect and wrinkle free now.After a painstaking hour of cleaning I finally got to go home. While I was walking home I was praying to god, asking for an escape, an adventure. I closed my eyes and prayed as hard as I could. When I opened my eyes I realized i had no idea where I was walking. I tried to walk back the way I came, but I couldn’t remember clearly since I was thinking so hard about my wish. “Ugh! What am I going to do?”After about an hour of trying to find my way, I started getting frantic. I past building after building, block after block. I was completely lost. I felt the tears coming. “If mom was here with me, she’d know exactly what to do." I missed her a lot. I sat down on a bench and cried. It was three years since she’d died but it still hurt to think about her. All the memories hit me like needles. “Alice, what are you doing? Your nearly 15, stop crying and think of what to do,” I said to myself, while I wiped the tears. “When you’ve forgotten, the memories will find their way back, but you need to wait patiently,” was something mom used to always tell me if I forgot something important, and so I decided to sit on the bench and wait till the memories came to me. While I was in deep thought I felt my stomach growl. I just realized I hadn’t eaten a bite since last night’s dinner. As I looked around, I noticed the bench I was sitting on was right in front of a café. “Moonbeam Café,” I read. “That’s such a cute name for a café!” and so I entered.The café seemed closed at first since there were no people inside. It was decorated with bright, frosty lights. The colors inside where refreshing. A mint colored lace lined the top of each wall. The curtains were baby blue with white ruffles everywhere. And All the tables where made of glass, they even had matching chairs. The Aroma of sweet cakes and coffee filled the air and made my mouth water. The café just screamed cute. I sat myself down at the table in the back corner. A waiter promptly arrived at my service.“Welcome Alice! What would you like to order?” said the waiter“How do you know my na-““Today’s special is the vanilla latte,” interrupted the waiter. “Ok I’ll get that, but how do you know-““Coming right up!” the waiter happily exclaimed. I was so confused, how did he know my name? "It’s not important" I told myself, "I’ll just get my latte and leave."And so I waited, and waited, and waited some more, until I suddenly realized my drink was already sitting on the table. “That’s weird, I didn’t notice that before”

●▬▬๑۩chapter 2۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:56 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 3۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:56 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 4۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:56 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 5۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:55 PM
「 still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 6۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:53 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 7۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:53 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 8۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:52 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 9۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:52 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 10۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:52 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 11۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:51 PM
「 still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 12۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:51 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 13۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:49 PM
「still a work in progress 」

●▬▬๑۩chapter 14۩๑▬▬●
Written @ 8:45 PM
「still a work in progress 」